生産者オルネッライアOrnellaiaワイン名マッセティーノMassetinoヴィンテージ2019容量750ml解説パーカーポイント: (94 - 96)点予想される飲み頃:2024 - 2042Tasted before bottling, the 2019 Massetino is shaping up beautifully. This is the third vintage made of the Merlot-based wine enhanced with a small part of Cabernet Franc. The Cabernet Franc is what distinguishes this euphemistically diminutive expression of Masseto, and it is its distinctive vinous signature. The 2019 vintage is soft and pliant but also incredibly rich and layered. It offers generous black fruit with ripe cherry and blackberry. Spice, tobacco and campfire ash fill in the rear and build the aromatic profile of this wine that is already stacked tall and proud. We still need to see how the 2019 plays out in the bottle, and I am especially interested to gauge how the thick and rich fruit concentration works against the less pronounced acidity of the vintage.(May 2021 Week 1, The Wine Advocate, 7th May 2021)
MASSETINO 2019 <赤> Vintners 注文サイト
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テヌータ デル オルネライア 寒けれ マッセティーノ [2021] 750ml 赤 MASSETINO
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マッセティーノ 2019 マセト マッセート マセット マセティーノ マセッティーノ Ornellaia Massetino イタリア 赤ワイン|ロマネ ROMANEE